I have tried these in your test site:
1) Create some posts with the URLs you mentioned above, I can see the problem.
2) Enable the PHP debug mode, but can not get any related PHP debug logs
Since it is a compatibility problem, I need to duplicate the same problem in my localhost with details steps.
So I have tried the plugin "WP Offload Media Lite for Amazon S3, DigitalOcean Spaces, and Google Cloud Storage" in my localhost, download from:
This plugin needs special settings:
Dashboard-> Settings-> Offload Media
enable option "Amazon S3"-> enable option "I understand the risks but I'd like to store access keys in the database anyway (not recommended)"
Those two settings are required:
- Access Key ID
- Secret Access Key
See screenshot s3.JPG
Can you provide detail steps to duplicate the problem? I am using domain name "localhost"
I need the reply to be private to send these details please
Private message box enabled, thanks
Thanks for the details, I have tried the S3 keys you provided above in my localhost, but get these errors:
Error Getting Bucket Region —There was an error attempting to get the region of the bucket test-rv-wp: Error executing "GetBucketLocation" on "hidden link"; AWS HTTP error: cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate (see hidden link)
See screenshot s3-1.JPG.
It seems this plugin needs to work in a live website, so I am trying to setup a live website to duplicate the same problem, will update here if there is any found.
I can duplicate the same problem in a live online website, and have escalated this issue, will update here if there is any news.
It is in our to-do list, our developers will take care of it, I will keep on updating this thread when there is any news.
Thanks. Would it be OK for me to now delete the copy of the site I provided?
Yes, you can remove the copy of the site, but please keep the Access Key ID and Access Key for further debug, thanks
Here is the update:
This issue is in our errata list, our developers are working on it, see it here:
And there is an custom codes workaround in above errata, you can try it if you want.
This has now been on your known issues list for almost a year. Can I please have an update
As you see in erratum:
It is still in "Open" status, so I am not sure when will it be fixed, and we have asked for update from our developers, I will keep on updating here if there is anything news.