I try to realize a small Film Festival Page with CPT for Films. I need an autamatic Form placed under every Post relatet to this post (maybe Post Title shows in received Mails) to book tickets. I don´t want to use woo commerce to realize that . Is there an easy solution?
Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
you should create a single post content template and build your content template as required and then create a post form for your post type to add new post and then setup notifications with that form and then add the form to your single post content template.
I have installed a post form with a heading made up of certain fields that have already been filled out by the editor. I'm now trying to hide a conditional group if a certain field doesn't already have content. How can I achieve this.
I have 6 fields for film dates and locations and 6 fields for the number of tickets. There are not always all 6 film dates for a post, so the fields for the number of tickets are not allowed to appear either.
Here is an example where there are 2 dates for films but all ticket selection fields are displayed: hidden link
I checked the URL you shared but still I'm not sure what fields you would like to hide or not display.
Can you please tell me with the following example URL:
- hidden link
What fields you do not want to display and why?
*** Please make a FULL BACKUP of your database and website.***
I would also eventually need to request temporary access (WP-Admin and FTP) to your site. Preferably to a test site where the problem has been replicated if possible in order to be of better help and check if some configurations might need to be changed.
I have set the next reply to private which means only you and I have access to it.
I see you added the default option with the value "11" for your dropdown custom field. Is there any reason you added "11" as your default option value?
- hidden link
What if you compare with "11" with your conditional block.
What if you add a HTML content from the "Extra Elements" section available on right sidebar when editing your form and add the conditional statement to it to check the empty field value.
thank you so much. This could be the solution. But now i have the Problem that some fields are not showing in notification mail.
I need the Post title in Mail but the [wpv-post-title] does not work
an i need to show the fields [types field='seinteleiste-spieltermine-zeit-und-ort-2'][/types] this dows not work to.
Any Ideas
Ticketbestellung Filmfestival 2023 [wpv-post-title](****does not work) von [types field='vorname-name']
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