. It even states "* This feature is only intended for sites that are in development.
Don't you think this site is in development? I would argue this site is in development now, and will be in development any time you need to register a string with custom code. Regardless, we're getting way off track for this ticket. Automatic string registration is not something you will use long-term. Turn it on, do whatever is necessary to display the string or strings on the front-end of the site, then turn it off. The string(s) will have been registered and they will remain in the database for String Translation. In the seconds it took to activate automatic registration and submit a form, the problem was solved. Any temporary performance tradeoff is negligible - certainly less valuable than the time you'll spend troubleshooting, implementing, and removing the code you would need to do the same thing.
However, when I go to WPML > String Translation, I only see one string for translation under domain function-validate-taxonomies-on-nanny-ad-submission.
Perhaps because the same string name was used for all 6 strings? The text domain can be the same for all these strings, but the string name in the 3rd parameter should be unique. In the code you shared, your string names are all tax-validation-on-nanny-ad-submission. That's akin to x = 1, x = 2, x = 3, x = 4, and so on, just reassigning new values to the same variable.
Just turn on the automatic tool when you're ready, then turn it off after the strings have been displayed on the site once. Problem solved, no one will notice any performance problems.
HI Christian
I just changed the 5 values and tested in German and English and it works well in both languages. Thank you so much for your support!
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!