This isn't your issue but just wondering if you had a workaround.
For Android/Google Chrome on mobile devices font boosting is applied; but NOT to the Toolset Grid/Columns for example.
This makes text size inconsistent when you have a mixture of Fields and Text/Paragraph blocks which do boost the font and Grid/Columns which don't.
I can override to make all the text in Fields and Text/Paragraph smaller -
.element { max-height: 999999px; }
But how would I override to allow font boosting to be applied to the Grid/Columns blocks so that font boosting is applied globally?
This might be out of your remit, but just thought worth asking. Thank you for any help.
English (English )
Asia/Kolkata (GMT+05:30)
Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
I do not know how it affected to your Toolset grid/columns as I do not have any example to test.
The thing is that, font boosting depends on theme. However, what if you try to use the following and check if that helps you out:
html * { max-height: 999999px; }
Yes, that's what I've done if you look at my opening post. But that removes font boosting from everything. I just wondered if there was a way to keep font boosting on and apply it to the Toolset Grid/Columns (which removes it by default).
I don't think it's theme related - it's a mobile browser feature.
Many thanks, Lins
English (English )
Asia/Kolkata (GMT+05:30)
I just got a news from Devs that Grid block is wrapped by a div with a class tb-grid.
Can you please try the following:
.tb-grid * { max-height: 999999px; }
Hi, I understand that, the trouble is .tb-grid is already NOT BOOSTED (which is what applying { max-height: 999999px; } would do).
I want to do the opposite, I want the grid to BE BOOSTED. So that font size matches the predominately ordinary Paragraph blocks.
Don't worry if you don't know, it was just worth an ask.
English (English )
Asia/Kolkata (GMT+05:30)
Maybe solution could be max-height to auto or inherit but as you know, I do not have much idea about it.
Issue not really resolved but probably not Toolset's problem (though it does affect the display in mobile browsers). All the solutions were the same as I'd got in my opening post i.e. removing font boosting, I wanted font boosting to be APPLIED, not removed 🙂