This is a theoretical site... but i want to ask if it's possible first
I have a CPT named pipes. Some pipes have multiple diameters, so I use a repeating field group to list them for each pipe. (for example one particular pipe has these diameters: 5, 7, and 9)
on each singular content template for pipes, I want to display a view of all the clamps that will fit the pipe. (in this example i want to display all clamps that are of diameter 5, 7, or 9)
is this possible? if it is not possible without code, is it possible using to find the diameters of the repeating field group, and then use that information to filter the toolset view such that it will display the correct clamps?
I think it is possible without custom codes.
For example, you can try these:
1) In post type "clamps", setup a custom field "clamps-diameters"
2) Edit each "clamps" post, setup value in field "clamps-diameters"
3) In single "pipe" post, display nested view:
Parent post view,
- query related pipe repeating field group posts
- In view's loop, you can get each item's "diameters" field value, pass this value as below child post view shortcode attribute
4) Child post view
- Query "clamps" posts
- Filter by field "clamps-diameters" equal to view shortcode attribute value, see our document: