We have a custom post type called Portfolio, and one of the custom fields on it is a "Multiple Lines" type called Testimonial. We're trying to set up a content template using Toolset Blocks. I added a Conditional block so I can have a section that only shows up if the Testimonial field is not empty. But the menu in the Conditional block isn't including the testimonial field. I attached a couple screenshots, one showing the settings on the testimonial field, the other showing that field not being found in the menu on the Conditional block. Any idea what's up?
Hello and thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
I just run a quick test in my local setup and I was able to set a condition in a multiline field without issue. Maybe we have something different between our fields' definitions. To better assist you with this issue, can I log in to your website and check it further? If yes, your next reply will be private to let you share credentials safely.
Thank you for the credentials.
I edited the content template "New Portfolio Templte (#18651)" and I was able to add a conditional and display two blocks(heading, single field) inside of it. Check this screenshot for the condition hidden link
And check how it works in the frontend hidden link
Can you try again from your side? If it still does not work, can you share a larger screenshot that will include the URL and all the part of the page, it will give me more context about it.
Thanks, from comparing your screenshot and mine I realized I was trying to search for the testimonial in the Source field, but apparently I needed to select the Project Info there before the menu with the Testimonial field would show up.