Tell us what you are trying to do?
This is a follow up to this ticket
The single post elementor template works on its own but not with in the page.
Please elaborate the question with more details:
How do you setup page?
How do you setup those fields?
How and where do you want to populate custom field dynamically?
I have enabled the private message box, please provide a test site with the same problem, fill below private message box with:
- administrator credentials
- the problem page URL
- where you setup those fields
Thanks for the details, I can see the same issue as your screenshot:
Where and how do you setup that form and that select dropdown? With Elementor?
Please point out the URLs, thanks
Can this information be made private
hidden link
Toolset view
Toolset view
bmk list of all Carers for Seeker1
which uses the elementor template
bmk-temp-list1 - id= 5106
hidden link
The view you mentioned above: bmk list of all Carers for Seeker1:
hidden link
It is querying posts of post type "cBookmarks Intermediary Posts"
In the elementor template "bmk-temp-list1" id: 5106:
hidden link
under text: Request for interview
there is a shortcode:
[elementor-template id="5333"]
Edit above elementor template:
hidden link
I see two Toolset fields:
"First Name1" and "Last Name1"
Are you going to output above two fields value as the dropdown options?
Where and how do you setup above two fields? in which post type? is there any relationship between this post type and "cBookmarks Intermediary Posts"?
The shortcode: id="5333" is being over written by the dymanic toolset selection.
I have removed shortcode from the custom area.
In the accordion the request interview there are two source type that can be selected.
Either : Custom or Elementor template
I have used the elementor template - "cs-request-interview3" ([elementor-template id="5279"])
which calls the elementor form.
Within the form it has a form select field(item 9) which I am trying to populate with
cpt "csh-proposals-to-hire" (field first name 1) for the current logged in user
The relationship : the logged in user is the Parent "cBookmarks Intermediary Posts"
I am not familiar with Elementor plugin,
Please edit the elementor template here:
hidden link
If I am right, the "Item #9" is the problem select field you mentioned above, are you going to display all "csh-proposals-to-hire" (field first name 1) as the options of that select field? for example:
- June
- Peter
- wwwwHenry333
Please confirm it, thanks
Or you just need to display related one "csh-proposals-to-hire" (field first name 1) option in that select field?
for example:
- Peter
Yes - display all "csh-proposals-to-hire" (field first name 1) as the options of that select field? for example:
- June
- Peter
- wwwwHenry333
Thanks for the details, I don't think it is possible with Toolset & Elementor integration, in your case, it needs to create a post view:
- Query "csh-proposals-to-hire" posts
- Display "first name 1" field
But it is possible with Toolset Forms plugin, see our document:
The shortcode [cred_generic_field] supports: Inside shortcode body the necessary options and default values are defined as JSON string
See similar thread:
But it will need to create another Toolset post form and a post view, if you need assistance to use Toolst form to replace that Elementor form, please elaborate below detils:
In Elementor template:
hidden link
There is a form "New Form", is this form for creating posts? which post of post type will this form create?