I am trying to: create a content template using the Divi builder. I am using the Divi post title module to display the post title. Under "Divi settings for this Content Template" I have disabled the post title.
Link to a page where the issue can be seen: hidden link (note that the issue is currently hidden, as described below)
I expected to see: The post title (via the Divi post title module).
Instead, I got: Two post titles.
I found this thread: https://toolset.com/forums/topic/cpt-page-title-wont-go-away-divi/
Based on that information, I duplicated single-et_pb_layout.php to single-product.php, which solves the problem of the duplicate title. But, this solution isn't sustainable as it will be overwritten when the theme is updated. (The site does not use a child theme.)
Just wondering if I'm missing something obvious with how this integration between Toolset and Divi should work. The thread I linked to has outdated information (refers to the Divi integration plugin, which I assume is no longer available?). Thanks in advance for your help.
It is a known issue, see errata here:
Here is a workaround:
Views content template works only in post content area, and the option disabled "Post Title" Under "Divi settings for this Content Template" will output an inline CSS codes:
display: none;
In your case, it is single product post, please try this:
Dashboard-> Divi-> Theme Customizer-> Additional CSS
add below CSS codes:
.single-product .entry-title{
display: none;
And test again.
And it is recommended to use child theme instead of original parent theme, see wordpress document:
For the question:
The thread I linked to has outdated information ...
Yes, that thread is talking about Toolset layouts plugin, and the Divi integration plugin is retired,
Thank you for your helpful reply. I am glad to see it is a known issue and that there weren't additional integration steps needed to integrate with Divi.
I didn't create the site, and it was created without a child theme. So I think hiding the duplicate title with CSS is a good solution for now, until maybe I switch to using a child theme at a later date.