Do I have to translate with WPML?
Is it possible to translate with .po and .mo files?
Hi, it's not required to use WPML. You can use .po / .mo files. Which plugins would you like to translate?
I want to translate Types, CRED and views to start with. Where can I find the files and where should I put them?
Where to find PO / POT files:
Types - wp-content/plugins/types/library/toolset/types/embedded/locale/
Views - wp-content/plugins/wp-views/embedded/toolset/toolset-common/languages/orig
CRED - wp-content/plugins/cred-frontend-editor/library/toolset/cred/embedded/locale/orig
Where to place your translated .mo files:
Types - wp-content/plugins/types/library/toolset/types/embedded/locale/
Views - wp-content/plugins/wp-views/embedded/toolset/toolset-common/languages
CRED - wp-content/plugins/cred-frontend-editor/library/toolset/cred/embedded/locale
Let me know how it goes
It don't work. I have a select field in "Post fields" and showing it with "CRED". I found the text "--- not set ---" in types translation files but it don't translate in frontend.
Hi, can you answer the following questions:
What file(s) did you change?
What did you name your exported file(s)?
Where did you place your exported file(s)?
I made a new translate file from "types.pot" and put the new file with the name "" in "wp-content/plugins/types/library/toolset/types/embedded/locale/"
Okay can you provide your debug information so I can take a look at your site configurations? We have an article with instructions located here:
NOTE: Please be sure to check the box to indicate you can provide debug info and paste your debug info in the debug field provided, and NOT in the general response field.
Great. Tell me if you need more information.
Hi, when I create a new site using the Swedish language, I see the default option "--- inte inställd ---" instead of "--- not set ---" (see screenshot). Can you tell me more about your site?
- Was this an English or other language site that was changed to Swedish?
- If you reinstall WordPress core, does the "not set" string change to "inte inställd"? See the screenshot for the reinstallation screen.
* take a full backup of your site before reinstalling WP *
Of course, I had the website settings to English. Now I changed to Swedish and I also get "--- inte inställd ---".
But I tried to change this to "--- ej vald ---" but I don't take that.
After discussing with out developers, it seems like this is currently not manageable using .mo and .po files, so I apologize for this oversight on my part. There is currently a ticket in place to resolve this issue, but in the meantime they have offered a workaround. Please add the following code to your theme's functions.php file:
function changenotset($current_options, $title, $type) {
foreach ($current_options as &$option) {
if ($option['#title']=='--- inte inställd ---') {
$option['#title'] = "--- ej vald ---";
return $current_options;
add_filter("wpt_field_options", 'changenotset', 10, 3);
Please let me know if this works for you.
Thanks for your answer. That is not on option if I have many translations. Is there a way to be informed when the issue is solved? I can maybe wait for that.
I see, and I understand that this isn't a practical approach for a large number of translations. As of right now, I do not have an estimated timeline for delivery of the permanent .mo / .po fix for this particular string, unfortunately. However, this workaround is not normal and should not need to be applied with a large number of translations because most strings can be translated with .mo / .po files. If you have a list of terms that you find untranslatable, I will be happy to share them all with our developers so they are aware that there are multiple gaps to fill. That way once they have time to tackle this task, they can knock out all the translation gaps with a single release.