We built the site in April this year using the Divi theme and DiviEstate child theme and launched 1st May 2018 and we used a custom post for the 33 property pages (all the other blog posts and pages are standard Divi).
On the property custom template, there is a full width row (1st row) for the image slider (slider revolution) and then the purple Title bar below is meant to be full width and also the Google maps row. Everything was OK until earlier this month, when if you "updated" a property the image slider row was still full width, but the row below and the map row below this stopped being full width!
We have tried everything we can think of to resolve.
All we want to do is make the template Full Width and hide the Post title an as per the screen shot it "suggests" that this is possible with Toolset.
What is crazy, is that if we save the property custom post as a "layout" in Divi to the Divi library, then create a new standard post (so not custom) and load the layout everything works correctly.
Could you please offer some assistance? Must be something really simple we are missing.
And it has sorted the Full Width problem for the title row (below the picture slider) and the Map. Not sure if this is what you would recommend and if you have a better option, please let me know.
To then remove the custom post title I added this bit of CSS
.house_parties h1 {display:none!important;}
This still doesn't explain why the template settings in Toolset did not work and I would like to know if I did something wrong - this is the first time I have used my own custom posts on a client site.
Of course that CSS "tweak", whilst sorting the two original rows, has now made the 4 x column Footer area also go 100% full width, so still need to sort this little glitch. Hopefully you have a solution 🙂
Could you remove all the css code that was added ?
I tried the settings on the content template and they are working for me. When I switched to a layout with a right sidebar it works and switching back to fullwidth works as well.
You can easily do that if you want. We never use FTP on the servers so it is not SFTP - if you change to "normal" FTP, so non-ssl it will connect. I had the same problem with it timing out when i checked I had set-up your account correctly LOL
I've tested this with the local copy of Divi that I have and the views settings work fine.
I would like to test this with the latest version so could you try uploading a zip file of the theme to Google Drive or somewhere and share with me the link ?
Thank you I was able to eventually get onto the FTP and got the themes.
So the issue is definitely local to your site environment as with the divi theme it works fine. Seems that something else is overwriting the css rule for the Fullwidth.
What you can try doing is to temporarily disable the non-toolset plugins and see if the issue still remains.