I've implemented a means of only loading maps if users give consent (following 'Approach 2' provided here https://toolset.com/forums/topic/toolset-maps-and-gdpr-cookie-consent-plugin-seems-to-conflict/#post-1326825).
I'm now looking to implement the method for the 'Use My Location' button in distance searches but the View doesn't show any code I can wrap inside the wpv-conditional shortcode. How do I achieve this please?
The "Use my location" button is outputted from shortcode [wpv-control-distance], so you just need to use that shortcode [wpv-conditional] to wrap the shortcode [wpv-control-distance], for example:
[wpv-conditional if="( '[ts-generic-get-cookie-value]' eq 'yes' )"]
[wpv-control-distance compare_field="test-addr" distance_center_url_param="toolset_maps_distance_center" distance_radius_url_param="toolset_maps_distance_radius" distance_unit_url_param="toolset_maps_distance_unit"]
Hi Luo
If I do that, it takes out the 'compare_field' too rendering it impossible to search by distance altogether. I just want to remove the use My Location button but still allow Users to search with X miles of a town that they enter.
There isn't such kind of built-in feature within Toolset plugins, since the "Use my location" button is integrated into shortcode [wpv-control-distance], there isn't such a independent shortcode for "Use my location" button, so you will need to use [wpv-conditional] shortcode to wrap the entire [wpv-control-distance] shortcode.
Even if you use CSS codes to hide the "Use my location" button, it will load Google JS file in client browser too, it will break GDPR policy too.
If I wrap the entire View in the [wpv-conditional] shortcode, will that stop Google's JS file from loading in the user's browser?
It should be able to prevent Google's JS file from loading, this is Beda's custom codes solution:
If it still can not prevent Google's JS file from loading, then that still violate GDPR policy.
You can test it, check if it works.
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!