Tell us what you are trying to do? I am trying to make a view appear on translated wpml pages. I first created a CPT called Testimonials. I then made them translatble usning WPML and then translated the English text into Russian (screenshot1). I then created a taxonomy for the Testimonials (screenshot2) e.g AKY, SM ect. The View displays the English Testimonials fine: hidden link (Screenshot 3)
and the Russian hidden link
but not the Ukraine: hidden link (Screenshot 4)
Can you tell me what the problem could be? We have translated all 3 languages but 1 of them is not working like the Russian or the English.
I assume we are talking about the string in the URL you mentioned above:
hidden link
[wpml-string context="wpv-views"]No items found[/wpml-string]
It is abnormal, please try these:
1) Make sure you are using the latest version of Toolset + WPML plugins, you can download Toolset plugins here:
2) In case it is a compatibility problem, please deactivate all other plugins, and switch to wordpress default theme 2019, and test again
3) Also check if there is any PHP in your website:
4) If the problem still persists, please provide database dump file(ZIP file) of your website, also point out the problem page URL and view URL, I need to test and debug it in my localhost, thanks
Please download the dump from the following Google drive folder: hidden link
I tried switching themes and disabling plugins. The only thing that changed after I updated all plugins is that now it displays 'No items found' instead of [wpml-string context="wpv-views"]No items found[/wpml-string] . But there is Ukrainian translations for all testimonials. It seems to be that all Ukraine translations won't appear in the View apart from here hidden link . The affected pages are:
hidden link
hidden link
hidden link
hidden link
hidden link
For some reason they appear on this page: hidden link
Your login details:
user: toolset
Password: 0RLacx5&G7fXF8QokMNefci!
Thanks for the details, for issue on URL:
hidden link
I can see the issue you mentioned above in my localhost:
it displays 'No items found'
The problem is there isn't any Ukraine posts assigned with term "Atma Kriya Yoga", so view output above result.
Please try these:
1) Dashboard-> Testimonials-> Sadhana-Types
click link "Ukrainian", you should be able to see there isn't any term "Atma Kriya Yoga"
2) click link "Russian", find and edit term "Atma Kriya Yoga", add an Ukraine translation,
3) create a Testimonials post in Ukraine and assigned with above term "Atma Kriya Yoga", and test again.
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!