Hi, I have two post types on my site: Artist and Artworks. The relationship between the two is one-to-many (one artist can have many artworks). I know how to create the relationship between the two after watching the following video tutorial: hidden link
But I am struggling to display the relationship on a single page template, mainly due to the following reasons:
1. There is no longer Views menu under Toolset that's in the WordPress admin page
2. The videos that talk about this are outdated (hidden link and hidden link)
Could you please give me some direction on how to do this? Perhaps an updated documentation or video tutorials. Thanks in advance.
NOTE: I am still developing the site so I cannot give a live link to my site.
Hi, I managed to list all the Artworks of an Artist in the Artist single page template. However, I am unable to display all the related Artworks of an Artist in the Artwork single page template. How should I do this? I am using Blocks not Classic.