Q1) Set Access to only allow view of content for post author
Yes, it is possible with shortcode [wpv-conditional], for example, in a single post content:
You can get current logged-in user's ID with shortcode:
[wpv-current-user info='id']
Get current post author's ID with shortcode:
[wpv-post-author format='meta' meta='ID']
Us above shortcode as condition of shortcode [wpv-conditional], like this:
[wpv-conditional if=" ('[wpv-current-user info='id']' eq '[wpv-post-author format='meta' meta='ID']') "]
//the content you want to hide goes here
Q2) Post author can (via the front end) select specific other users and grant them access to the content as well.
There isn't such a built-in feature within Toolset, as a workaround, you can try these:
1) Create custom post type "member"
Each member post's author is different user, each user has only one member post
2) Setup many-to-many relationship between Post and "member"
3) In single post content, display a relationship form for author to connect current post with other "member" posts:
4) In single post content, display a post view:
- query "member" posts
- filter by
a) Post type relationship between between Post and "member"
b) post's author is current logged-in user:
- in section "Loop Editor", within shortcodes [wpv-items-found] ... [/wpv-items-found], display current post information, for example:
[wpv-post-link item="$current_page"]
More help:
$current_page is used to retrieve data from the current page being rendered. It can be used inside a View loop to obtain data from the page on which the View is being rendered.
Meta HTML wrapped in [wpv-items-found][/wpv-items-found] will be output if there are any posts | taxonomies | users returned by the View.
How to Create Custom Searches and Relationships for Users