I have an ultimate member profile form.
On it i have date picker (onboarding).
array (
0 => '2021/02/22',
Under query filter for my view I want to view only usermate field fiter
Select items with field:
onboarding_date is a DATE equal to THIS_MONTH()
Specifically I want the past 7 days.
However it's not registering that data at all.
Under Ultimate member I can use custom date format. It's set to jMY
That's pretty standard, but again, not registering.
Thank you for contacting us and I'd be happy to assist.
To effectively use date-time filters on values, it is recommended to store them in Unix timestamp format.
( ref: hidden link )
Toolset Type's date and time type fields also store the values in that same format and the date-time filters available in the views are also designed to work with that format.
This is why it is important that the date-time field values that you're storing through the Ultimate Member profile form, are also stored in that same Unix timestamp format "U".
( ref: hidden link )
I hope this helps and please let me know if you need any further assistance around this.