Dear Sir/Madam,
I have pages with access group setting, without the access group, I use condition to show the content if user have right or not, if user doesn't have access right, message will be prompted to login before access, some pages may serve for several level of access, using condition or access group, which one is better?
When I apply the access group, I get page can't be found, how can I customize this page?
Best regards,
Hi Kelvin,
Thank you for contacting us and I'd be happy to assist.
The "conditional blocks" and "access post groups", both can be used to show/hide the content, based on the user roles. It is a matter of personal preference and the type of requirement, overall.
For instance, if you have a few pages where most of the content is common for all users, but, some parts need to be shown/hidden based on the user's role, then it would make sense to use conditional blocks for that.
On the other hand, if your website has many pages where you need to apply similar access rules to their entire content, grouping them together using the access post groups will come in very handy.
The "404 - page not found" template/design is normally controlled by the active theme, but you can customize it, as explained in these guides:
hidden link
Note: If you don't want to show the "404 - page not found" page to users without access to the post group, you can also select a custom Toolset content template, in the post group's settings.
( example screenshot attached )