I'm transitioning a site to Gutenberg and I have the custom Post Types set to use Gutenberg Blocks.
The main content section shows the Guttenberg block editor, but the custom WYSIWYG fields are classic editor. I do not see "Block editor" offered as a custom field - just WYSIWYG.
Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
Well - The primary place where the block is applied is the content area of post. Blocks are not designed to take over the custom field WYSIWYG and convert them into blocks.
Please check the following like that may help you: hidden link
Toolset Post-Type has a setting in each post type for editor (Block, Classic, Per Post).
Toolset Fields offers various text input fields - (Single line, Multiple Lines, and WYSIWYG.) Seems like there should now also be "Block" as a field, OR, in order to keep backward compatibility perhaps setting within the WYSIWYG editor field.
I'm not understanding your comment about block editor not designed to "take over" the WYSIWYG. If you are saying - "currently not possible" - please consider as a suggestion for a future update.