Hi David,
Thank you for contacting us and I'll be happy to assist.
The [types] "usermeta" shortcode with attribute user_is_author='true' returns the values for current post's author inside the loop.
But on your website, the shortcode is being used in the sidebar and not inside a post/page content (outside the loop).
To make this work in the sidebar of the author archive page, you can follow these steps:
1. Please, add the following code at bottom of your active child theme’s “functions.php” file:
// custom shortcode to return author id on author archive page
add_shortcode('current_author_archive', 'current_author_archive_fn');
function current_author_archive_fn() {
$author = get_user_by( 'slug', get_query_var( 'author_name' ) );
return $author->ID;
It will add a new shortcode [current_author_archive], which will return the ID of the author, whose author archive page is being viewed.
2. Next, register this new shortcode with Toolset, so it can be used inside its built-in shortcodes, as explained in the following guide:
3. After that you can update your shortcode in the sidebar from:
[types usermeta='user-profile-photo' title='%%TITLE%%' alt='%%ALT%%' align='center' size='medium' resize='proportional' user_is_author='true'][/types]
[types usermeta='user-profile-photo' title='%%TITLE%%' alt='%%ALT%%' align='center' size='medium' resize='proportional' user_id='[current_author_archive]'][/types]
I hope this helps! Please let us know how it goes and if you need any further assistance.