I am trying to: We have a setup where we are displaying products based on the Essential Grid. Filters are based on custom taxonomies created by toolset. We are trying to add new products to custom taxonomy and it is been added in the backend, but it is not reflecting on the frontend.
Link to a page where the issue can be seen: hidden link
I expected to see: 4 products in "Buildings" Category
Instead, I got: 2 products in "Buildings" Category. Newly added 2 products were not added.
The section in the screenshot was set to Start Sorting by : Featured product (which I have changed to none).
The way queries work in WordPress, if posts are sorted by a certain field, only posts with a value for that field will be included in the results. Any posts which don't have a value for a field used for sorting are simply omitted.
It seems that 2 of the 5 posts were marked as featured, so they were the only ones initially shown.