Custom permalink structure
In permalink structure I need custom structure.
In Dashboard:
Settings / Permalinks / Custom Structure
I need a new tag in "available tags:".
Tag has to group months in academic year manner: 4 months of a given year (Sep, Nov, Oct, Dec) and 8 months of the following year (Jan-Aug).
How to do it easily?
Is it possible to do using toolset?
Hello and thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
I am not sure what URL structure you want to create and for what post types. Can you elaborate more? Give an example of an URL and explain each part of it is what. And what post types for? The default posts or a custom post type?
In the meantime, it is worth mentioning that the custom URL structure is available ONLY for the default posts, categories; and tags. Custom post types and custom taxonomies have only one structure:
- Custom post types(CPT): /{cpt-slug}/{post-slug}
- Custom taxonomies: /{tax-slug}/{term-slug}
{cpt-slug} and {tax-slug} can be configured.
But it is not available, by default, Date archives are not available (/2020/04/26/post-slug). The only way supported by WordPress is programmatically using custom rewrite rules. Check this article
Or you may consider using a 3rd party plugin to do so such as: