I have created a custom post type called 'portfolios'
I have also created custom fields for that post type.
everything with those custom fields and that post type are working great,
BUT I just noticed something very strange, the custom fields are also showing up for my blog posts,
when I go to make a new blog post I only see the default WP fields, WYSIWYG, Title, Cats, Tags, Featured Image, Etc,
BUT, after I create the post, my custom fields from 'portfolios' are added to the blog page in the back-end/admin.
when I go to Toolset/custom fields and view what post types the 'portfolio fields' are assigned to it only says Post types: 'Portfolio', there is no mention of the 'Posts' post type.
The issue seems to be caused by this option here. See Screenshot.
Your posts are being created with the default T2 Hospitality term assigned, which is causing the fields to show up on that post. Why not create a separate custom taxonomy for your CPT instead of using this default category?
I think I was a little confused when i set it up since it was my first time using toolset, if I uncheck those cats would it fix the issue, I don't plan on using categories on this post type