Hello, I just attempted to update the Toolset Views plugin, and then got a "critical error" that prevented me from entering my site, not even the wp-admin panel. WordPress sent me a recovery mode link that allowed me to get back in, after which I had to restore a backup of my site and then update WordPress and all plugins except for Toolset Views which is what caused the problem according to the log.
1. Is this a known issue? If so, please let me know how long I should wait before attempting to update Toolset Views again.
2. I currently use these Toolset plugins:
Toolset Forms
Toolset Types
Toolset Views
But on the Toolset.com downloads page, I now see a new plugin called Toolset Blocks which I do not currently have. However, I am currently in the process of replacing my old Toolset shortcodes with the Toolset Gutenberg blocks (which seems pretty buggy, but I manage). Should I download the Toolset Blocks plugin? And if so, will this replace Toolset Views or is it separate?
As a final note: I am NOT using any post-related data on my site. I am only using USER-custom-fields and USER-forms.
WordPress version 5.5.3
Current theme: GeneratePress (version 3.0.2)
Current plugin: Toolset Views (version
PHP version 7.4.11
I will provide this information if needed, but I already restored my website prior to attempting the Toolset Views plugin update so it may not have this information in the log anymore.
Do you have any details of the error message? The recovery email should have included at least a summary of it, and full details would normally be in your debug.log or similar and wouldn't necessarily be overwritten.
Regarding Views vs Blocks, they are effectively the same plugin but with different defaults for the UI, so you must install one or the other but not both. In either case, you can go to Toolset > Settings and specify which UI you want to see (including both).
Do you have a staging site to update on rather than production?
Otherwise, we could try installing a copy of your site locally and perform the update to see whether any errors are triggered (they may not be if the issue is server-specific). If you don't have details of the errors from the logs you could provide a copy of your site as described here: hidden link
You can paste a link to dropbox or similar here and it will be automatically hidden.
1. Please let me know how to access the log you are referring to so I can copy it. Is it available via WordPress admin? Thank you.
2. If I have been using Toolset Views, and I immediately switch over to Toolset Blocks, will I have any problem with the work that's already been completed using Gutenberg Toolset blocks?
3. Is Toolset Blocks easier to use for User-custom-fields and User-forms? I have been having some trouble with those in the current Gutenberg blocks (e.g., copying and pasting content of an advanced conditional block sometimes overwrites the entire page, not just the content inside the Toolset block).
There should be some PHP errors in your website, please try these:
1) Make sure you are using the latest version of Toolset plugins, you can download them here: https://toolset.com/account/downloads/
2) In case it is a compatibility problem, please deactivate all other plugins, and switch to wordpress default theme 2021, and test again