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OK. The Gutenberg plugin seemed like a reasonable thing to test first, and sure enough it provokes the error with the Fields and Text block.
Seems like it introduced some breaking changes, and these are going to be included in WP 5.4.2, so we'll need to fix that ASAP.
I've brought it to the attention of the developers already, and they are creating an internal ticket right now as I type.
Thanks for bringing it to our attention.
You can expect it to be fixed soon. I don't think there was anything else in this ticket?
Thanks for this. Yes, the last problem I had was the grid making rows instead of columns.
I can see now that this is ALSO a Gutenberg issue you need to fix. You care welcome to login to my site if you want to check.
Best, Henrik
There is also a bug in style settings due to Gutenberg, see screenshot
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Europe/London (GMT+00:00)
I have disabled almost all other plugins, but the Toolset plugin still gives me rows insted af columns.
It seems you didn't disable the Gutenberg plugin, that's what breaks the grid block, too.
I've reported that as well, and it will get fixed soon. (If it is affected by the imminent WP 5.4 release it will be fixed in a hotfix for Views and Blocks, otherwise it will be included in the next planned release, which is in any case due fairly soon.)
I've seen an internal ticket about the style settings with WP 5.4, so that will also be fixed soon.
Ok, cool. Thanks, I guess we can close this one now.
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!