Hi guys, will appreciate if you can guide me on how to convert my existing layout base toolset site to the new guternberg blocks.
Hello, I like your enthusiasm as an early adopter! To be clear though, we recommend you continue to use Layouts and Views in existing sites. Like Amir said in our latest blog post, there’s no point in going back to old sites that you built and rebuild them with blocks. https://toolset.com/2019/12/toolset-blocks-1-0-build-beautiful-dynamic-sites-quickly-and-easily/
Layouts and Views will continue to get support and receive updates, so you're in no danger of losing your existing work or having it become obsolete. I don't want to discourage you from using Blocks and Gutenberg! If you are building new Toolset-based sites, then we recommend you give the new Blocks workflow a try and see how you like it!
Hi Christian !
i took the previous development using other plugins and completed, this is new project .but i intend to use the custom fields and other information still. Thanks !
Okay sure, you can still export and import the custom fields, post types, custom taxonomies, post relationships, forms, access controls, views, content templates and so on. Toolset > Export/Import will continue to function the same way as before the update to Blocks, but you won't be able to reuse or convert Layouts in a Blocks site.