Please note: as part of debugging, I have disabled all plugins except for WPBakery and Toolset Types; additionally, I have commented out the entirety of my functions.php, and stripped my template page to have no additional code or scripts beyond standard WordPress header and footer. Disabling Toolset Types immediately fixes the issue. I am opening an identical ticket with WPBakery as well.
On Friday, 3/27, from 10:30a EST to 12:30pm EST, I will need to restore standard functionality for an internal review. If you happen to access this ticket in that period, please trust that I have already eliminated all other sources of interference before opening this ticket.
I am trying to: ===========================================================
I have a custom post type, "Products", which uses standard Categories. It uses all default settings (plus featured image).
On each category archive, I would like to use a [vc_basic_grid] to show Products in that Category with some filtering options.
On a standard page, when I use [vc_basic_grid], all products load as expected.
When this shortcode is executed on a DIFFERENT category archive page than the category it is set to display, all products load as expected.
When this shortcode is executed on the SAME category archive page as what is being shown, one product will always be missing; it will either be the top or bottom product of the wordpress post order stack ( NOT the query stack! the same product will be missing regardless of sort_by or sort_order settings in the [vc_basic_grid] shortcode! Using post ordering plugins will shift which product is missing but since I have now disabled these I am not confident whether it is the first or last in the stack).
Here is the contents of my category.php file which you can use for testing in an environment with WPBakery turned on:
<?php get_header(); ?>
<section id="content" role="main">
<?php echo do_shortcode('[vc_basic_grid post_type="product" max_items="-1" element_width="3" item="381" taxonomies="20" offset="0"]'); ?>
<?php get_footer(); ?>
In this case, Taxonomy 20 is the category "Gifts". You would need to set this to some category's ID on your environment. You will note that I have stripped the parameters down to their bare essentials, and that nothing here is dynamic - I am asking every category archive to load a grid showing products in the Gifts category.
Link to a page where the issue can be seen: ===========================================================
hidden link
hidden link
I expected to see: ===========================================================
Both pages should show both of the products in category "Gifts".
Instead, I got: ===========================================================
The category archive of frappes does not conflict and both load;
The category archive of Gifts does conflict, and one of the products does not load.