Hi, I installed Blocks and WP File Manager on my WordPress. When Blocks is active, WP File Manager doens't work correctly (it doesn't load the file's list, when I deactivate Blocks it works correctly.
I did a quick check on my end to try and replicate the issue, however i'm unable to. From your debug information I see that you are running version 1.3.5 of our Blocks plugin.
Can you update to the latest version 1.4 and let me know if the same issue remains?
Unforuntately i'm not able to replicate the issue locally, so I will need admin access to your site to check to see what exactly happens.
Would you mind allowing me to have access to the site so that I can have a look ?
I've enabled the private fields for your next response. Also would I be able to do a bit of testing such as disable plugins and switching the theme etc?