I also want to display content on a certain url, your answer in this post may be good, maybe not. Nowhere did you explain where to use these short codes or functions or whatever.
Where does this go:
[wpv-conditional if="( LEFT('[wpv-post-url item="$current_page"]',24) eq '<u>hidden link</u>' )" debug="true"]
The current URL begins with <u>hidden link</u>
[wpv-conditional if="( LEFT('[wpv-post-url item="$current_page"]',24) eq '<u>hidden link</u>' )" debug="true"]
The current URL begins with <u>hidden link</u>
In advance part of conditional block, in shortcode block or where?
Keep in mind that when you give answers, we users who are new to toolset don't know what you know. I tried all the possible options that came to my mind where to use this code from your answer and none of them work.
Your YouTube channel is very poor, for conditional block you have only one video and in that video I did not see anywhere where I could use your answer.
hidden link
Also, the main post where you describe the conditioning block is also nowhere explained where these codes of yours that the support gives are used.
Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
Sorry to hear you that and we feel its not good I understand.
First of all, let me clear few things. You can add conditional display two ways.
- Add conditional block (which offers limited options with GUI)
- Add conditional shortcode (you will have more freedom to customize it)
-- if you are using conditional shortcode then you should add the conditional shortcode (if you are using blocks interface to build your content template etc..) then you should add the conditional shortcode by adding "shortcode" or "Fields and Text" block and add the conditional shortcode you shared to "shortcode" or "Fields and Text" block.
In addition to that there are more resource and playground we offer than you think.
I would like to inform you that Toolset offers free test platform http://www.discover-wp.com where we offer ready made sites build on top using Toolset.
You can install any reference site and check how those build that will give you further idea. In addition to that we offer step by step courses that you should follow as well:
- https://toolset.com/course/