Thanks for your help. Unfortunately, when I went to the HOME page, the update button was still greyed-out. I edited some text in a non-Toolset paragraph block, but the button was still greyed-out and disabled. Then, when I went to look at the HTML view for the "Fields and Text" block that you created, I started trying to add a [wpv-post-title] shortcode to your block, but the html editor wouldn't let me enter any text... it was almost like the html editor was stuck or something, and I could only add a two or three characters at a time before the editor would "pause". And the positioning of the "Visual / HTML" buttons in the editor are overlapping, etc (see screenshot). And then, after I finally was able to type the full [wpv-post-title] shortcode, the UPDATE button was functional again.
So it seems like there's some quirkiness in the saving and auto-saving of certain Toolset block/fields. As I've built several Toolset websites on WP Engine, I've noticed the same behavior where using a different type of field in a View block seems to fix the issue, but it's always temporary, and the problem re-appears when I make future updates.
Thanks again for your diligence in helping to troubleshoot this. I feel like we're getting close, and hopefully you agree that I'm not totally crazy...
Some of the quirkiness of the editing and auto-saving behavior can be attributed to the Gutenberg editor itself. Snappiness of the classic editor while editing was there because the information would be sent to the server and database, only when a user would explicitly click the update button.
However, in the modern Gutenberg editor, the information is kept continuously in sync using the REST API calls. And depending on the architecture and policies of the server, the time needed for those calls can vary and you may see some delays when the editor's button becomes available to be clicked.
I agree that at times the "Update" button is greyed out when apparently no operation is being performed and the loading of the page's content seems to have been completed. But, every time, I start trying to make changes to the blocks in or outside the view, the "Update" button does become enabled again, by the time I'm done making the changes and ready to save.
Thanks again for your help and your honesty. While I agree that the Gutenberg is a bit quirky, the problem only happens when a Toolset View Block is added on the page. If it is an issue with the REST API calls and the server, it would seem that Toolset needs to make some type of adjustment to the Views block, or at least provide some type of requirements so that WP Engine can make the necessary adjustments to their server environment. Otherwise, I can't see how Toolset can claim compatibility with WP Engine. If it were only happening on one website hosting with WP Engine, I might be able to overlook the issue, but this same issue happens with multiple websites that I manage on WP Engine.
As of now, I'm unable to use Toolset View blocks on any page/post where I might need my clients to edit content on those pages. While I can eventually get the page to update/save using the workarounds I've mentioned in this thread, it's not realistic (or professional) for me to expect my clients to perform those same workarounds. For example, we hired someone to help us with SEO on this new website in preparation for launch, but that SEO professional contacted me saying that he was even unable to edit and save the meta titles and descriptions due to this issue. If it were just a "snappiness" issue and the page was eventually able to be updated, that would be one thing, but just waiting doesn't work... I have to click into the Content Selection settings of the View block in order to get the UPDATE button to be functional, and that's just something that I can expect my clients to do just to make simple content updates.
As a result, I've removed the Toolset Views blocks from my pages and re-built those blocks with static elements instead, which both disappointing and frustrating. I'm not enough of an expert to say if the problem is on Toolset's end or WP Engine's end, but since it's only happening on pages with a Views block, and the only way to make the page update is to make changes within a Views block, it seems to strongly indicate that the problem is with the Views block specifically.
I've kept the staging environment unchanged for you if you're willing to continue testing, or if you'd like to have. your developers look into the issue further. I'm really hoping that we can figure out a solution so that I can continue using Toolset on future websites that I build, but as of right now, I guess I'll have to go without.
Thanks again for your willingness to help, and I really hope you guys don't give up on this issue.
I apologize if it sounded like we're giving up on this.
It's just the very intermittent nature of this issue, that is making it harder to track.
Talking about the homepage's edit screen, sometimes the "Update" button is not stuck in the disabled state at all, when the edit screen loads.
Other times, if the button is greyed out when the page loads, switching to the default theme (Twenty Twenty-One) and then activating back the "Genesis Block Theme" also fixes it. After that, no matter how many times, you reload the edit screen, the update button won't get stuck in the greyed-out state. And there are no relevant errors or warnings in the browser's console or in the server's error logs.
I'll be reviewing this over the weekend too and will request assistance from the other team members too if it needs further escalation. In any case, will keep you updated through this ticket.
Thank you! I really appreciate you not giving up on this. I've been stumped by this issue for several months on multiple different websites, and it's just becoming too much of an issue for me to ignore any longer. I've managed to work around this issue on most of these websites, but this website (and another website) will be updated and managed primarily by non-technical users, so this issue presents some serious challenges for those users.
I've also been frustrated by the intermittent nature of the issue and the lack of any noticeable error messages... it definitely doesn't make it easy to troubleshoot.
Another strange thing that I've noticed is that when I open the "Content Selection" tab for the Views block, the update button doesn't become functional right away... it *seems* like the update button only becomes functional when the "filters" section of that panel loads. Not sure if that's helpful, but I figured I'd mention it just in case.
This is Minesh here. Waqar asked me to jump in here and asked me to check the issue about the publish/update button grey out when you will have (Block) view on the page. I checked with the "cloudways" test site Waqar created where he tried to reproduce the issue, but unfortunately he could not, even I checked but I could not able to reproduce the issue as of now.
What we can do now, if you are really interested to dig this deep, I'm sharing here brand new sandbox site where you can play with it and install/add/remove any themes/plugins and should try to reproduce the issue. if you able to successfully, you should share the steps with us.
Here I'm sharing the sandbox site, you can use the following link to auto-login to the admin:
- hidden link
I think we've already determined that the problem only exists on the WP Engine hosting platform. I've already tested on a local MAMP installs in the past, and I couldn't replicate the issue there either.
Almost all of the websites that I build for clients are hosted with WP Engine, and all of those websites have this same problem with Toolset View blocks. If Toolset is incompatible with WP Engine, I'll need to find a replacement for Toolset, but I'm really hoping that's not the case because I have been a very loyal Toolset user for many years.
Rather than testing this on your cloudways test environment, I'm hoping we can continue to troubleshoot this on WP Engine. I would be happy to set up a fresh install in one of my WP Engine accounts if you're willing to help troubleshoot there.