I'm having trouble updating and publishing pages that have a View block. When a page has a View block, the UPDATE/PUBLISH button is "greyed out". When this happens, the only way that I can save my work is to click the "Switch to draft" button, and then "save draft". And then, the only way I can convert the draft to "Published" is via the "Quick edit" feature in the admin menu.
If I remove the view block from the page, I can update/publish without any issue. I've tested with the Twenty Twenty-Two theme and all other plugins disabled, and the issue persists.
Sometimes, I can completely rebuild the problematic View and I'll be able to update/publish, but eventually the problem will happen again.
An example of this issue can be found on the HOME page (Pages --> Home)
Hi Minesh, I see that you were able to update the HOME page in your video, but I am still not able to update the HOME page or the ABOUT page. Here is a screen capture of my attempt to edit the HOME page. hidden link
Occasionally, I am able to get those pages to update easily like you've shown in your video, but most of the time I am unable to update. Could you try again with the HOME page or the ABOUT page?
I have the same problem in Google Chrome, Safari, and Brave browser. I'm using MacOS Monterey (version 12.5).
The update button remains functional for the the first couple/few seconds as the block editor loads, but as soon as the View block renders, the update button gets "greyed out" and becomes non-functional.
Minesh will be away on vacation, so I'll be following up on this ticket.
While I can see the issue with the home page editor screen on your website, I couldn't reproduce this on my test website. I tested with the same Genesis framework theme and used similar view settings and blocks.
This suggests that something specific to your website is involved. I also see a number of script errors in the browser's console, which originate from the script file from the "Yoast SEO" plugin.
To troubleshoot this, I'll suggest the following steps:
1. Please make sure that all plugins are updated to the latest versions.
2. It would be interesting to test this with all non-Toolset and non-Genesis plugins disabled.
If it's fixed, you can start enabling the disabled plugins, one by one, to narrow down to a possible conflicting one.
3. In case the issue still persists, I'll your permission to download a clone/snapshot of your website, to investigate this on a different server.
I hope this helps and please let me know how it goes.
Thank you for waiting, while I tested your website's clone on a couple of different server environments.
I couldn't reproduce the behavior on any test environment and even when I check your staging website now, the script errors that were previously showing seem to be fixed. The pages like 'Home' and 'About Us' are editable, as normal.
The intermittent nature of this issue suggests that it may have something to do with the specific server environment of your WP Engine staging website or its server resources.
My recommendation would be to temporarily turn on WordPress debugging, next time you face this issue again, by including the following lines in your website's "wp-config.php" file:
( ref: https://wordpress.org/support/article/debugging-in-wordpress/ )
This will log any server errors or warnings in a log file at '/wp-content/debug.log' that will give us insight into what causes this intermittent failure.
I hope this helps and please let me know how it goes.
Thanks for your willingness to test this. Can we keep this ticket open a bit longer? I'm troubleshooting this with WP Engine as well, and I'd like to be able to report back if they find something about Toolset that conflicts with their server. I'm very loyal to both Toolset and WP Engine, and both are central to my workflow, so I'd really like to get this resolved.
This ticket will stay open for two weeks, and even if it closes due to inactivity, you're welcome to start a new ticket.
( just include the link to this ticket, so that we know the background )
I've been following up with WP Engine's support team to see if we can resolve the issue from their end, but unfortunately, we have not been able to figure out a solution. WP Engine tried increasing the upload limit to 256mb and the memory limit to 512mb, but there was no change. We also tried disabling the auto-save feature, but that didn't help either. There are no PHP errors, or any other error that would point to a possible solution.
The fact that the update/publish button is greyed-out (disabled) as soon as the Views block renders seems to strongly indicate that the problem is with the Toolset software. So it seems like the issue is related to auto-saving or cacheing, but I'm really not sure.
Again, this happens on multiple websites hosted with WP Engine (and not on other non-WP Engine server environments), so this would also seem to indicate that there is some type of compatibility issue between Toolset and WP Engine. WP Engine support sent me this link with their platform settings... do you see anything that might prevent Toolset from working properly? hidden link
I've been building websites using Toolset plugins (on the WP Engine platform) for years, and I'm very loyal to both Toolset and WP Engine. That said, if I'm forced to choose between Toolset and WP Engine, I feel like the burden of compatibility is the responsibility of Toolset. Being that WP Engine is one of the best and most popular hosting platforms for WordPress sites, it seems pretty important that Toolset would be compatible with their hosting platforms.
I'm still very hopeful that we can figure out a solution, as I very much want to keep using Toolset products. Thanks again for your help.
Thank you for sharing this update and sorry to learn that the issue still persists.
Many Toolset users are using the WP Engine as a web host and if there had been any generic compatibility conflict, we would've seen many user reports by now.
I still suspect it is something specific to this particular website of yours. Do you have a proper backup of this staging website that you've shared access for?
If yes, with your permission, I'd like to run some tests on it directly, involving changing the active theme and activating/deactivating the plugins.
Is there some way that I can provide you with different login credentials in a private message? My client is currently reviewing my work, so I don't want to disrupt that review process. I'd like to send you credentials to a clone on a separate "dev" environment on the same WP Engine account so that we can troubleshoot in a hidden location.
Also, as I've been trying to work around this issue, I noticed that I can get the UPDATE/PUBLISH button to be "active" again if I simply click on the "Content Selection" tab of the View block. As soon that Content Selection tab expands, the update button can be clicked and seems to save properly.
Let me know if there's some way that I can provide you with new login creds. Thanks again for your willingness to help.