Yes our Toolset plugin does support responsive design. If you are creating your views or any content template using the Gutenburg editor then your layouts and views will be responsive automatically.
Is it that for the mobile you want these search and checkboxes to look differently?
If you want to modify the default responsiveness then it would require some custom css to achieve. Is there a particular example that you are looking at ?
Perhaps if I know what you want to achieve then I can point you in the right direction. However generally anything outside of the default responsiveness will require additional css.
Based on your screenshot, this can be achieved using css. However it may involve some javascript work as well.
This isn't something that I can assist with as the requirements are beyond what we can offer here in support.
What you can do is to get in touch with one of the contractors that are registered with us to get some further and more detailed assistance with this one.
From what I see you want to create an entirely different layout based on the Mobile/Desktop versions.
In order to achieve this you are going to have to create a Desktop search view block as well as a Mobile Search view block.
However before you create these 2 blocks, you will need to add 2 container blocks to your page that you want the search on.
For 1 of the container blocks, under the Responsive Tab, you are going to enable Hide on desktop and for the second container block you will select Hide on Mobile.
Now with your Desktop view block you will need to format it in the way you want to display it on desktop and insert this view into the Container block that is set to hidden on mobile.
Secondly for your Mobile view block, you will need to create this in the format you want it to be displayed on mobile based on your screenshot. Then you will need to add this mobile view block to your Container block that is set to hide on Desktop.
Please let me know if these instructions were a bit clearer for you.