I would like to have linking features on a blog post
1- link each custom "select" fields. Example, if the field shows years (1995), user should be able to click on it to go to an archive page which shows the 1995 results.
2- Display custom post type with link
see image
I assume we are talking about a custom number field "date".
See it is possible within Toolset plugins, see below test site:
Login URL:
hidden link
Detail steps:
1) Create a Toolset WordPress Archive:
hidden link
filter by the custom number field "date":
Select items with field:
Date is a number equal to URL_PARAM(wpv-date)
See my screenshot wpv-date.jpg
2) In the single post:
hidden link
display the link with to archive page URL, and pass URL parameter "wpv-date":
<a href="<em><u>hidden link</u></em> field='date' format='FIELD_VALUE'][/types]" target="_blank">[types field='date' format='FIELD_VALUE'][/types]</a>
3) Test it in frontend:
hidden link
Click link "2019", it redirect you to the archive page:
hidden link
For your reference.
Does this mean, instead of using the dynamic contentfeature, I have to do each field with HTML in the template?
Yes, you will need to setup the link for each field manually in the template.
You can follow our document to setup the content template for single post(custom post type):