Hi Janet,
Thanks for writing back and glad my message helped.
> I do have one other question. The client asked if it was
> possible to do this as an App - is this possible? If so,
> where would I start.
- Our Toolset plugins are designed for WordPress websites only, but there are other tools and plugins available which can be used for converting WordPress websites into native Apps.
Following are some useful links:
hidden link
hidden link
hidden link
> Can you please tell me how to do the second form?
> I have created an edit form but I can't work out how
> to add the custom field "_cred_post_expiration_time"
> and set it to empty..
- The function for the second form will become even simpler since it doesn't need to have any field, other the submit button. The user will just need to click the submit button of the form, to let the system know that he/she has returned.
add_action('cred_save_data', 'remove_custom_expiry_from_form',10,2);
function remove_custom_expiry_from_form($post_id, $form_data)
// if submitting the specific form
if ($form_data['id'] == 123)
// remove the expiry date and time value
update_post_meta($post_id, '_cred_post_expiration_time', '' );
Note: You'll replace 123 with the actual form ID of the second form and once submitted, it will remove the post expiration date and time for the post.
( ref: https://toolset.com/documentation/getting-started-with-toolset/publish-content-from-the-front-end/forms-for-editing/ )
> Also, would I need to create a user login for this so that
> they return to the correct form to do the editing?
- Yes, since there will be multiple users involved, you'll need to create a proper membership website, so that each user can access and edit only his own content/forms etc.
By using the Toolset plugins, you can build a strong membership website and the following guides will help in getting started in the right direction:
hidden link
For future reference, please note that as per our support policy ( https://toolset.com/toolset-support-policy/ ), only one question or issue can be addressed through a single ticket.
You're welcome to open a new ticket for each new question or concern.