Continue to use toolset merge fields on normal pages (not views) using {!{ }!} brackets (as toolset inputs them from the insert tool). This is useful for integrating toolset fields with Avada's Fusion Builder system.
Link to a page where the issue can be seen:
I don't currently have any sites upgraded to Avada 7.0 because this issue makes the site virtually unusable
I expected to see:
Merge fields continue to function after updating to Avada 7.0
Instead, I got:
{!{ }!} brackets no longer work with Avada 7.0, only [ ] brackets. But [ ] brackets from toolset don't work with fusion builder. This fundamentally changes the site b/c hundreds of pages use templates that require this to function (as it does normally with prior Avada versions). I'm trying to figure out if this will/can be fixed or I need to make new accommodations.
Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
The current version of Avada theme is 7.1.1.
I will require to run a test with my test site but I would also like to know where you added the custom field with {!{ }!} brackets ?
- To the content template?
- or to the view's loop editor?
Where exactly its not working?
Can you please also confirm that you are using latest Toolset plugins + WordPress + Avada theme + Fusion core + Fusion Builder plugins? If yes: Can you please share what version you are using for all above by submitting debug information.