We've encountered an inconsistent issue on a Toolset post form (called "Add a Listing.") It uses the WordPress media uploader. Sometimes, when a user attempts to upload an image, they get the error:
"An error occurred in the upload. Please try again later."
We have triple checked permission to upload images both in Toolset and on the server, disabled caching on the page, triple checked our code, and yet this issue persists. I *cannot* replicate this issue on my machine. Neither can another developer. Yet users seem to encounter it all the time. It seems to predominantly happen in Chrome.
The issue persists even when a user refreshes the page. Our hosting environment (Kinsta) suggested it could be PHP workers not being available, but it seems highly unlikely that a user encounters the error multiple times on one page simply due to server resources, and despite a refresh and trying it at a later time. The issue persists.
We thought it could be caching, but we've disabled all caching to the page via Cloudflare, CDN, on-site caching tools, and even the Ngnix configuration on our hosting environment. Needless to say, it persists.
The current workaround has been to try another browser. It's not a long-term fix.
Any thoughts as to why this is occurring? Due to its inconsistency, we can't accurately test whether there is a conflicting plugin. But since it's trying to use Toolset's integration with the WP Media Uploader, I thought I would start here.