My situation # 1:
I use the Peter ’s Login Redirect plugin (currently renamed to LoginWP and seems to use it in combination with the ProfilePress plugin) according to the toolset manual as a tool for “login and logout”.
My situation # 2:
I have now created a user account according to the toolset manual and the My Account page (both mode-1 and mode-2) is working fine.
My problem:
In WordPress admin operation, I have successfully transitioned to mode-2 on the My Account page, and I can see and edit the items posted by the user. However, since the Login page accessed from the user side does not normally transition to mode-2 of the My Account page, item editing is not possible.
The page transition on the administrator side and the page transition on the user side are different, so I would like to solve this problem.
I would like to ask for your support.
It is quite confused.
What are the mode-1 and mode-2?
Please provide a test site with the same problem, fill below private message box with the test site credetials.
Also point out the problem page URL, where I can see the problem: item editing is not possible
Dear luo,
Please let me know if you have received the information I sent on July 29th.
Hello luo,
Please disregard the content that I contacted you on July 29th. I have narrowed it down to one point that I would like you to support.
login-or-logout-menu-item for login and logout plugins
I'm using
Log in from the site menu "login"
hidden link
User name: test-1
Password: test-wan
Log in as above and go to My Account
hidden link
As a result, the items that should have been registered are not displayed.
I would like to be able to display the items, so please help me.
Thanks for the details, I can login into your website, will update here if find anything
I have tried the steps as you mentioned above:
Log in as user "test-1" and go to My Account
hidden link
I see below message: No items found, see my screenshot my-account-2.jpg
Is it the problem you mentioned above: the items that should have been registered are not displayed.
If it is, Toolset Blocks will query posts in "Published" status, after your user submit the post form for creating "Jobs" post, and complete the payment, you need to mark those woommerce orders status as "Complete":
hidden link
so the new "Jobs" post will be changed to "Published" status automatically, so they will be able to see those new "Jobs" post in the "my-account-2" page.
Dear luo,
Thank you for your support.
Items now appear correctly.
I want you to tell me what you did
hidden link
Did you mean woocommerce order status as "completed"?
I think I had set this status to "Completed", but maybe I was wrong? Or did you correct another part?
Yes, all woocommerce orders of your website are completed now, so the user "test-1" can see his published "Job" post in the my-account-2 page, see my screenshot job2.jpg.
I did not change any woocommerce orders in your website, did you change those woocommerce orders status to complete?
Dear luo,
Thank you for contacting us.
Before I ask you
"hidden link"
As for the status in , I should have set all of the woocommerce order statuses to "Completed".
Before I asked you, the item was not displayed properly, but after your answer, it works normally.
I wonder when it started working properly.
It seems to be working fine now, so I'd like to see how it goes.
Dear luo,
I tried with multiple registered ids and each item did not show up.
id: hoda
password: SXX6sMymuNQZ
id: nakata
password: G+WVHCRx7tdsm-w|+
id: hasebe
password: qQWh0u67d3
It seems that there is still a problem somewhere. Please give me your support.
There was an error in the id. Correct.
id: hoda → honda
password: SXX6sMymuNQZ
Please check the "Job" post lists here:
hidden link
None of "Job" post was created by those three user you mentioned above:
- honda
- nakata
- hasebe
So they won't see any jop post in their "my-account-2" page
I suggest you try these:
1) Login as one of above normal user,
2) Create a "Job" post with Toolset post forms, for example:
hidden link
Fill and submit above post form, complete the payment ( I can not pay in your website )
3) Login as administrator "yoshihiko", go to the order list
hidden link
Make sure the new order is in "Completed" status
4) Login as one of normal user, check the my-account-2 page again.
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!