On the contrary this is exactly how the "Show only the Blocks interface" option works. What it does allow the user to the only use the Gutenburg Block editor to create their view.
Our Legacy views interface is not compatible with the Gutenburg blocks interface and the "Show only the Blocks interface" assumes that you will only be building your views through the Gutenburg Block editor when you are creating a page or a post.
Even though you have the Block interface only you can enable the option "Show both the legacy and Blocks interface and let me choose which to use for each item I build" this will allow you to still have access to your Legacy interface views as well as the block editor views.
This comes down to personal preference and you can choose which one is better suited for you. However I highly recommend that you try to use our Blocks interface to create your views as we are constantly adding new features that makes it much easier and faster to create your views.
Essentially you will be able to build out your view with the blocks interface with no need to code.
Please let me know if this clarifies the issue for you.
I appreciate the quick and thorough response, but when Block Interface was chosen, there was no longer a "Views" menu item to create new views. Am I missing it?
That is correct and it is there by design. Given that when you have the "Show only the Blocks interface" option enabled it will remove the Views option from the menu.
The views menu is only there for when you want to create views using the Legacy option.
In order to have the view menu option available you will need to select "Show both the legacy and Blocks interface and let me choose which to use for each item I build".
This will allow you to use both the Legacy and the new block editor interface.
Hopefully this clears things up for you.
OK, so I heard about Toolset Blocks and thought it was fully released but see it still is a separate plugin and that it's in beta still: https://toolset.com/download/toolset-blocks/
So this setting is to use the Views and Blocks plugins together, but I shouldn't even see the setting unless I have the Blocks plugin installed as well, right?
Essentially Blocks and Views are the exact same plugins. The only difference is that views comes with the Legacy setting enabled by default and Blocks comes with the Block editor settings enabled by default.
You can use either plugin to achieve your goals. There is nothing essentially different between them. So if you have views you don't need to install blocks and vice versa.
The blocks are build directly on the pages. Lets say you want to create a page where you want to list all your posts, lets say a Listing Page.
You will go to Pages -> Add New and create your page as you normally would. Now given that you are using the Gutenburg interface for your page you should be able to add a View Block.
From that view block you are able to create your new view on the page directly. See Screenshot
Essentially you don't need to go to Toolset -> Views anymore to create your views.
Let me know if this is clear or if further clarity is needed.