Hi, Support I would like to add the toolset page titles from my custom posts to my theme. So I would like the page title to appear left top like the titles in the theme. I have added two images to explain. Please could you assist me with this? Also, is their a way to hide the author and post date?
I am using a theme called the simple and I have enabled the child theme.
It depends on your theme files, Toolset content template works only in post content area.
For example, there is a custom post type "my-cpt" in your website, you can try these:
1) copy theme file "single.php" from parent theme "the simple", save it into the child theme folder as "single-my-cpt.php"
2) Edit file "single-my-cpt.php", use WordPress function the_title() to output post title in where you want:
Hi, Lou, I hope you are well today. I understand what you are telling me to do but I am completely clueless as to what I should be editing.
I found a single-portfolio which I copied but it has a lot of coded and no reference to the_title. Also, how do I hook into this page so that the machine pages use this file?
You need to locate theme file for renderring the specific place as your screenshot:
It might be other theme file, since I don't have a copy of your theme file in my localhost, I am not sure which theme file is the specific one, I suggest you check it with your theme author for it.