I have a view that shows WooCommerce products and am using the following shortcode to display an add to cart button:
[wpv-woo-buy-or-select add_to_cart_text="Add" show_quantity_in_button="yes"]
When entering qty 15 and clicking the button it only shows 1 unit in the cart upon checkout. When adding the item directly from the single product details page, it does allow you to add 15. I can't figure out why it's only adding 1 from the View. Inventory is not managed and everything is listed as in stock. Thanks for any help. This is causing orders to be wrong on the website!
- Aaron
Hi Aaron,
Thank you for contacting us and I'd be happy to assist.
This issue has been reported already and it happens when WooCommerce's AJAX add to cart feature is enabled:
I'll update you through this ticket, once a fix for this has been released and for now you can include the script from the above link in your view, as a quick workaround.
Thanks - that did the trick. Should I leave the ticket open?
- Aaron
Thanks for the update and glad that it worked.
You're welcome to mark this ticket as resolved and since this ticket is already in my follow-up list for this particular issue, I'll let you know once a fix is out.
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!