Can you please try to follow the following workaround and try to resolve your issue:
- Go to the user edit profile
- Set "No role for this site"
- Before you do anything else you unfold "I want to add more roles to this user"
- Now the roles are editable, you can remove the check from Subscriber
- Now save
Here is the feedback from our developers, this issue is fixed in future version of Access plugin, it is under QA status, will be released soon.
I get this error:
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 536870912 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 262144 bytes) in /home/mysitefolder/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-user.php on line 739
In wp-config I increased the memory limit: define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '800M' );
But still I get an error
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 262144 bytes) in /home/mysitefolder/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-user.php on line 739
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 262144 bytes) in /home/mysitefolder/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 208
I seem to have this issue quite a bit recently with your plugin. I'm going to restore from backup.
Note: I do NOT want them to be able to select more than one option. I have coding that does specific things that relies on the users picking one role OR another one, not AND. Can this option be built in, i.e. can we chose whether we want the Users to select more than one role?
Please can you let me know the latest release of Access that does not use this multiple role option please. Thank you.
Note: it was my theme causing the memory issue. I temporarily switched to another theme, updated and successfully activated the Access plugin, then switched back to my theme and all was well.
What I've noticed is that although the No role for this site works, what if I do not want multiple roles. By default once I've selected one role, if I switch to another it will always select BOTH roles (so AND), what if I want it to always be OR.
This is important to me because I do NOT want them to be able to select more than one option. I have coding that does specific things that relies on the users picking one role OR another one, not AND. Can this option be built in, i.e. can we chose whether we want the Users to have the functionality available to select more than one role?
I just tried it in my localhost with the latest version of Access plugin version, it is possible select only one user role.
For example, you can try these:
1) Dashboard-> Users, find and edit one of user
2) In the dropdown menu "Role", choose another user role, click link "I want to add more roles to this user", disable the original user role value, save the user, and test again.
Yes, sorry. Realised this but more convoluted route, you have to add and save a new user role BEFORE you can remove the original. And the link 'I want to add more roles to this user' should be 'I want to add more roles or remove existing roles for this user"
I'd just like a simple settings option to switch multiple roles off if you don't want them. Is it worth requesting?
As well as functions relying on just one option being picked, I've lots of conditional statements on pages reliant on one access role being selected. I'm sure lots of people using access will be in a similar position, so from a legacy point of view may not want this.