Views is a WordPress plugin that lets you easily display content on your website's front-end in any way you choose.
Views User Guides include detailed documentation for creating lists of content, templates for content and archive page and also explain how to create parametric searches for any content type.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us the versions of the Toolset plugins that you have installed and activated.
Viewing 14 topics - 14,911 through 14,924 (of 14,924 total)
Problem: I would like to include a list of text links that behave like filters in my custom search View.
Solution: Text links are not one of the options provided for our filter controls, but you could use custom CSS to style a radio input filter. Remove the button elements and style the labels to look like a list of links.
Problem: I have a View of posts that shows Markers on a Google Map. I would like to display a different Marker icon for each post depending on a taxonomy term. Each post will only have one term from this custom taxonomy.
Solution: You can use nested Views to show different icons based on the term.
- Create a new taxonomy View of categories (whatever taxonomy holds the terms museum, scenic road, etc).
- Add a Query Filter, filtered by taxonomy term, set by the current post in the loop. This means that the View will loop over all the terms associated with each POI post.
- In the Loop Output, insert a marker using the icon file based on the current term slug. So if you set up your icon file names to use a standard naming convention like "icon-poi-marker-termslug.png" you can just replace "termslug" each time with the corresponding term slug:
- Modify the map ID, the marker_icon image filepath, and the marker_field slug as needed.
- Insert this new View inside the wpv-loop tags of your View of POIs.
Problem: I have a View that is filtered by Taxonomy Term, where the term ID is set by a URL parameter. When I use the URL parameter, it does not seem to be working as expected.
Solution: Check the URL parameter and make sure it's using the ID, not the slug, of the term.