Views is a WordPress plugin that lets you easily display content on your website's front-end in any way you choose.
Views User Guides include detailed documentation for creating lists of content, templates for content and archive page and also explain how to create parametric searches for any content type.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us the versions of the Toolset plugins that you have installed and activated.
Viewing 15 topics - 12,496 through 12,510 (of 12,512 total)
Problem: I have a custom search View that is set up with pagination and AJAX updates. The first page of results displays correctly, but when you navigate to the second page the results never appear.
Solution: Check the DOM and see if the results are just hidden with CSS.
A custom image size is registered but when outputting the images they are smaller than expected, not properly cropped.
The add_image_size function WordPress function has a final argument for whether the image should be cropped or just resized, which is the default, and in this case crop needed to be explicitly set to true.