Views is a WordPress plugin that lets you easily display content on your website's front-end in any way you choose.
Views User Guides include detailed documentation for creating lists of content, templates for content and archive page and also explain how to create parametric searches for any content type.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us the versions of the Toolset plugins that you have installed and activated.
Viewing 15 topics - 12,316 through 12,330 (of 12,379 total)
Create a quiz with multiple choice questions
You should create post types to store your questions and answers where answers should be the child of questions having one custom field that denotes
Problem: I am using a View of taxonomy terms ordered by custom field value to show links to the next and previous term archives. I would like to filter those Views by term grandparent, so that only terms in the same grandparent are included in the results.
Solution: There is no term grandparent filter, so you can use another custom field in the Class Parts taxonomy. For each class, use a different field value. So for Knitting Superstar and all its descendant terms, use "knitting-superstar". For Fearless Knitter and all its descendant terms, use "fearless-knitter", etc. Then add a filter to the Next and Previous Views that filters by this custom field, set by a shortcode attribute. In the View shortcodes for the Next and Previous View, use a Types termmeta shortcode to insert the current term archive's custom field value in a shortcode attribute.
How to use the "Custom Product Boxes" plugin with custom product pages created with Toolset?
The Custom Product Box plugin needs to use the standard WooCommerce product template to function correctly, and not the WooCommerce Views template used for creating custom product designs.
There is a workaround described in the main thread below to be able to switch between each depending on whether the product is a normal product or a Custom Product Box product.