Views plugin provides an API, making it easy to display Views output using PHP.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us all related information about your View and the data that you want to display using the Views API.
Viewing 15 topics - 466 through 480 (of 480 total)
Problem: I have created over a thousand custom Pages that represent each term in a taxonomy. On each Page, I would like to insert a View that is filtered by comparing the Page Title to the term name.
Solution: It's probably best to use the page slug instead of title, since slug is sanitized for comparisons and will be more unique than title. With that in mind, you can use the wpv-post-slug shortcode and the $current_page operator to access the current Page's slug. Pass that value into the wpvcategory attribute in your View, and configure your View to use a taxonomy term Query Filter where the term is supplied by a shortcode attribute. Insert the View in your Page Content Template or Template Layout using the following shortcode:
The issue is that the customer was having issues with his custom shortcode in our Views Conditional shortcode. In this case the user was having a missmatch of his quotes.
The solution here is to first ensure that your shortcode is added to the views 3rd party shortcode arguments. To do this you need to go to Toolset > Settings > Frontend and then add your shortcode name to your views 3rd party shortcode arguments.