Views plugin provides an API, making it easy to display Views output using PHP.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us all related information about your View and the data that you want to display using the Views API.
Viewing 15 topics - 151 through 165 (of 417 total)
Problem: I have a custom search View that includes 4 custom taxonomy filters. I would like to set one of the filters to a static value, so that all the results include one term from that custom taxonomy. Then I would like to use the relation "AND" to combine that with a group of 3 other custom taxonomy filters, which can be chosen on the front-end by the User, and combined using the "OR" relation. The combined effect should be like this graphic representation:
| Recipe Category (equal to "Shake") |
| |
| - AND - |
| |
| ____________________________________________ |
| | | |
| | Main Ingredient (set by URL parameter) | |
| | | |
| | - OR - | |
| | | |
| | Extra Ingredient (set by URL parameter) | |
| | | |
| | - OR - | |
| | | |
| | Fluid (set by URL parameter) | |
| -------------------------------------------- |
| |
Solution: This type of combination of filters with nested AND/OR relations is not possible through the standard Views GUI, and requires a custom code solution. We offer the wpv_filter_query API that allows you to intercept the query and modify its tax_query details in real-time.
You can read more about complex or nested relations in taxonomy-based queries in the documentation linked below.
An example showing these APIs used together:
function tssupp_change_tax_query_and_or($view_args, $view_settings, $view_id)
$view_ids = array( 22575 ); // comma-separated list of View IDs where you want to apply this filter
$static_tax = 'recipe-category'; // the slug of the taxonomy that includes the static term "shake"
$static_term_id = 1084; // the term ID of "shake" in the static taxonomy "recipe-category"
-- do not edit below this line --
if ( in_array($view_id, $view_ids) ) {
// new tax query template
$new_tax_query = array(
// code below will unshift selected front-end tax filters into this array
'relation' => 'OR',
'taxonomy' => $static_tax,
'field' => 'id',
'terms' => array( $static_term_id ),
'operator' => 'IN',
'include_children' => 1,
'relation' => 'AND',
foreach ( $view_args['tax_query'] as $tax_query_term ) {
// loop over selected filters,
// verify is_array to skip 'relation' index,
// verify the slug of this tax is not
// same as the static taxonomy slug,
// unshift it into the new query's OR block
if( is_array($tax_query_term) && $tax_query_term['taxonomy'] != $static_tax ){
array_unshift( $new_tax_query[0], $tax_query_term );
// now overwrite the original tax_query with
// the new tax_query and you're done
$view_args['tax_query'] = $new_tax_query;
return $view_args;
add_filter('wpv_filter_query', 'tssupp_change_tax_query_and_or', 99, 3);
Up at the top, modify the View if necessary to customize it for your site. You may add other View IDs to the $view_ids array in comma-separated format if you have more than one View with similar filters where you want to apply this custom snippet. I copied the taxonomy slugs and term IDs from the debug information, so I'm pretty sure those are correct.
Add the code in your child theme's functions.php file, or in Toolset > Settings > Custom Code, and test it on the front-end of the site. Let me know the results and we can go from there.
The user uses Toolset Access to manage permissions on custom post types. He also has a view that displays several custom post types. This view displays some posts that are restricted to the current user.
Views queries do not take into consideration Toolset Access permissions or the default WordPress permissions. For example, a default view will display only the published posts. But, if you choose to display the draft posts or the private posts, it will display them without taking into consideration WordPress default permissions.
CPTs post pages, instead, are bound to WordPress default permissions and Toolset Access permissions.
To be able to use the same view and display different CPTs for different kinds of users, the only way, is to use custom code. You will have to use the hook to modify the view's query post types based on the user type.
add_filter( 'wpv_filter_query', 'prefix_change_post_types' );
function prefix_change_post_types( $query_args, $view_settings, $view_id ) {
if ( $view_id == 123 ) { // change this ID with the ID of your view
$types = (array) $query_args['post_type'];
if ( !is_admin() ) {
// display only posts and pages for non admin users
$query_args['post_type'] = array( 'post', 'page' );
return $query_args;
Problem: I have a custom field filter (text input) in my WordPress Archive. I would like to sanitize the User's input in this field programmatically before search. For example, I would like to remove any URL querystring parameters added to the URL and search for the main URL without any URL parameters.
Solution: Use the API wpv_filter_custom_field_filter_processed_value to manipulate the User's search criteria programmatically before search. You can use this filter to inspect the URL and truncate it before any querystring parameters. Use the Wordpress Archive ID instead of the View ID.
There is no feature available to filter the view by parent taxonomy as the thing is that - you can add the frontend filters to your view/block-view for the post type to which the view/block-view is set to query.
The workaround would be - what if you add the same taxonomy to your child posts, so, when the parent post is get saved/updated, you need to assign the same taxonomy terms to your child posts. Then you can add the taxonomy frontend filter for your child post type.
The user would like to apply a secondary sorting on a custom field.
Currently, Toolset views cannot use a custom field as a secondary order. The selection is limited to default fields, or randomly, instead of custom fields. Check this screenshot for the available secondary sorting options