With the Views plugin you can create different Views elements to display all your custom types and content on the front-end, without coding. You can also create powerful parametric searches and add pagination to your content lists.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us the options of your View.
Viewing 15 topics - 4,621 through 4,635 (of 4,640 total)
How to display content conditionally on taxonomy term archive based on term custom field
You can use [wpv-conditional] to check the term custom field value on term archive page.
For example:
[wpv-conditional if="( '[types termmeta='module-partner-logo' output='raw' term_id='[wpv-taxonomy-archive info='id']'][/types]' ne '' )"]
Your code goes here
A select custom field is used as a Views filter but shown as checkboxes so that more than one option can be selected, but the View results do not work as expected.
You need to modify the query arguments with the wpv_filter_query hook before the query is run.