With the Views plugin you can create different Views elements to display all your custom types and content on the front-end, without coding. You can also create powerful parametric searches and add pagination to your content lists.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us the options of your View.
Viewing 15 topics - 3,991 through 4,005 (of 4,073 total)
How can I display parents of taxonomy in filter without checking them on the checkbox in the backend post edit?
Please edit the view, in section "Custom Search Settings", enable option "Let me choose individual settings manually", choose option "Always show all values for inputs", and test again
Problem: I have a nested View structure showing a loop of child terms nested inside a loop of parent terms. I would like to display the parent term name only if that parent term has existing child terms. The wpv-post-taxonomy shortcode doesn't seem to be working correctly.
The wpv-post-taxonomy shortcode is intended for use in the context of a post, like a View of posts or a single post. When you're working inside the wpv-loop tags of a View of a taxonomy you should use the wpv-taxonomy-title shortcode to display information about the current taxonomy term in the loop:
However, this h3 is outside the wpv-loop tags where the wpv-taxonomy-title shortcode will not work:
Problem: I would like to show all options for each taxonomy filter in a custom search View, but options without any posts assigned are not appearing. I would also like to display separate filters for each level of hierarchy in a taxonomy.
Solution: In the View editor screen, find the Custom Search Settings panel. If you cannot see it, activate it in the Screen Options tab. Then select "Let me choose individual settings manually" and "Always show all values for inputs."
It is not currently possible to split a taxonomy filter up into separate inputs per hierarchical level. You could create separate taxonomies, or separate post types with post relationships.
Problem: Sorting by WooCommerce Views Price is not working correctly for products with prices higher than 999. I have tested with different thousands separators but they don't seem to make any difference.
Solution: Check the Ordering options and front-end sorting control options to ensure the sorting algorithm is numeric.
The issue here is that the user deleted their CPT but didn't delete the posts of that CPT so they are still in the database. They were wondering why.
This is actually a normal function. Deleting the CPT in Types doesn't delete the posts themselves. This is actually because in the even that you delete the CPT by accident all your posts are not lost.
The correct way to do this is to delete the posts first then delete the CPT.
In your case you can just re-create the CPT in Types with the same slug then you can just delete the CPT again once you've deleted the posts.