Toolset Maps is a WordPress plugin that allows you to add address fields to any content type or users and display any content on Google Maps.
Toolset Maps User Guides include detailed documentation for creating these special address fields, adding pointers to them and displaying them on maps.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us the versions of the Toolset plugins that you have installed and activated.
Viewing 12 topics - 1,216 through 1,227 (of 1,227 total)
Problem: I would like to relate multilingual Products to multilingual CPTs.
Solution: Use the Translation Manager to translate the Products first, then go to WooCommerce > WooCommerce Multilingual > Settings and switch back to "Native WooCommerce product editing screen" temporarily, edit the English Hotels and use the Product Relationship panel to select the parent English Congress. When you are finished assigning the parent Congress posts, go to WooCommerce > WooCommerce Multilingual > Settings and switch back to the Translation Manager.
Problem: I would like to focus on a Map Marker when I click a link in my search results, and I would like to trigger the hover state of a Map Marker when I hover over a link in my search results.
Solution: Use the Interactions panel on the "Focus on Marker" button pop-up dialog to turn on these features.
Problem: I would like to trigger an AJAX update of my View using custom code that responds to a Map event.
Solution: First, set up the View to update with AJAX whenever an input changes. Then throw a generic 'change' event on any filter input with the class 'js-wpv-filter-trigger':
Problem: When I use sorting or pagination my map disappears.
Solution: Use the option "Pagination enabled with manual transition and AJAX" since you have also selected "AJAX results update when visitors change any filter values." Add an anchor to the filter editor:
<a name="scroll-to-filters"></a>
Add this code in the Filter Editor JS panel to scroll back to the filters after the results are updated:
function wpvScrollToAnchor(aid){
var aTag = $("a[name='"+ aid +"']");
jQuery('html,body').animate({scrollTop: aTag.offset().top},'slow');
jQuery( document ).on( 'js_event_wpv_pagination_completed', function( event, data ) {
* data.view_unique_id (string) The View unique ID hash
* data.effect (string) The View AJAX pagination effect
* data.speed (integer) The View AJAX pagination speed in miliseconds
* data.layout (object) The jQuery object for the View layout wrapper
To use a static map instead of a Views map, activate the Static Maps API in the Google console (it is a separate API), then use an image tag to generate each static map: