Types is a WordPress plugin that lets you easily create custom taxonomies and organize your custom content types in your website.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us what you have created so far and what you want to achieve.
Viewing 15 topics - 436 through 450 (of 456 total)
Client has a hierarchical taxonomy and only wants to show something on parent term archive pages, not child term archive pages. What test can be included in a wpv-conditional shortcode?
You would need to register a custom function that checks whether the current term for the taxonomy archive being viewed has parents or not, which can then be used as the conditional in a wpv-conditional shortcode (after registering the custom function), e.g.
function tssupp_archive_term_is_parent(){
global $wp_query;
$tax = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
return $tax->parent == 0;
Problem: I would like to display a list of Listing post links. On the same page, I would like to display breadcrumbs showing links to the parent, grandparent, and great-grandparent posts from different custom post types.
Solution: Use a nested Content Template structure to access grandparent and great-grandparent post information from within the Listing post. We have a detailed guide that describes how to access grandparent posts (see link below).
To access great-grandparent posts, you need one more Content Template, which will be used as a nested Content Template. It's all about creating changes in context using post IDs and relationships. The following code is an example. Your slugs will be different, but the concept is the same.
In the Listing post or Listing post Content Template:
when you navigate to:
=> Toolset => Post types => with each post type item you will see "Duplicate" link when you mouse hover on post type item.
Client is outputting term meta fields outside the loop on a custom taxonomy archive, but the term fields are not displaying.
They should, and it appears to be an issue introduced in Types 3.0 which is still being investigated. In the meantime you can register the following custom shortcode (by add this code to your theme's functions.php file):
Problem: I cannot find the Theme Options settings when using the Ocean WP theme.
Solution: If you are using the Layouts plugin, the theme options panel will be found in the Template Layout editor screen. If you are not using Layouts, you can find the theme options panel in the Content Template editor screen.