Views plugin provides a pagination feature that lets you split large amounts of content into pages with previous and next controls.
When you ask for help or report issues, make sure to tell us the pagination options of the View and the pagination controls that you have inserted.
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Problem: I would like to show a list of taxonomy terms, and underneath each term I would like to show a list of posts associated with that term.
Solution: Use 2 nested Views. The outer View should be a View of the Taxonomy terms. In the Loop Output, insert the wpv-taxonomy-title shortcode. The inner View should be a View of posts, filtered by the taxonomy, where the term slug is set by the parent taxonomy View. Then insert the inner View in the Loop Output of the outer View just after the wpv-taxonomy-title shortcode.
The link titles of pagination links are just the number of the page. for accessibility purposes, i want to change that to something like "page: 2" instead of just "2".
There isn't such a built-in feature within Views shortcode [wpv-pager-nav-links], but you can change the link text by setup the attribute "anchor_text" of the shortcode, for example:
Problem: I see double pagination appear on a WordPress Archive page that includes a View, but no double pagination appears on a custom Page that includes a similar View.
Solution: In this case the pagination added by your theme appears on WordPress Archives, but not on Pages. Therefore, only one set of pagination appears on the custom Search Page - the pagination in the View.
The issue here is that they want to have a view listing a finite number of items but wanted to give an impression that the number of items is infinite.
Unfortunately this is not something that is view related but you will need to have some way of marking or giving the impression that the list is infinite.
How to order parent posts with number of child post count
You need to use WordPress standard "save_post" hook in order to update the total number of child counts per parent post and use this custom field for ordering option for your parent.
Right now my set up is simple, with the 10 event paged like regular posts, but I am afraid the client may want a monthly dropdown to select only events from that month or the previous and next to be the "previous month" or "next month" with the month names like a real calendar.
Is this possible with Views from an event custom date field?
There are not such kind of built-in features within Views plugin, it needs custom codes.
Here are my suggestions:
1) You can setup the monthly dropdown, "previous month" or "next month" to pass URL parameter "my-month" to the view, for example: http://my-site-url/?my-month=2018-03
It will be able to pass URL parameter "my-month", value is 2018-03,