Files found in root/wp-content/_modulemanager_tmp - is it important?
_modulemanager_tmp directory is used to store the module files. If you want, feel free to remove it if need, as ModuleManager will create new dir when a user will start the import module.
The issue here is that the user had their custom taxonomy but wanted to display them in a widget.
There are 2 ways that this can be achieved.
1. You can create a view that list taxonomies and then add a query filter to that view so that it only lists the taxonomies of the current post. Finally you can then add this view as a widget using the wordpress widget options.
Client is trying to export Toolset settings, which works for each plugin except for Views, where the wrong format of file is generated and errors appear in the PHP log.
There are certain circumstances where generating the export XML file fails, which will be fixed in the next release.
Meanwhile a patch is available in the linked erratum.
after update an entity all toolsets custom fields of type checkbox are unchecked
There was a issue with checkboxes field with the Toolset plugin version you are using but the official fix is already published with Types 3.0.2 and Views 2.6.2.
The module manager admin page has a fatal PHP error:
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot use object of type stdClass as array in /Users/nigelanderson/OnTheGo/Sites/c-phuong/wp-content/plugins/types/vendor/toolset/types/embedded/includes/module-manager.php:308
This issue is already fixed following an update to Types.